About Me
Lot of people say things like crocheting is for a particular categories of people. Like grannies or lonely people but for me crocheting saved my live out of deep depression, crocheting is my anti depression medicine.
I grew up in war country, spent a big part of my live with fleeing.Now without crocheting it would be so horrible.
I have the crochet hobby and I like to show here some of my work.
It is a challenge for me to try different designs and I come from far imagine a war country like Congo DRC. I make a lot of cloth using crocheting. This is a therapy for me and also a way to help others. With their hobby or the way like it is helping me.
A part from the money I earn from the handwork I sell here is going to organizations that support women in East of Congo DRC IFESIDI
English is not my first language, excuse my grammar.
This website is in preparation, come back for updates